Saturday 4 December 2021

Red Foxes near St. Nicholas Church

This morning, I visited my local patch site around St. Nicholas Church .... see here.

The main reason for my visit was to photograph Red Foxes so I did not walk around the complete site.

Having accessed the site via the track from Larkins Tyres, I spent around an hour watching the field, scrub, hedges and trees at the north of the site, an area that has proved to be the most reliable for Red Fox sightings in recent months.

On arriving at my usual watchpoint, I climbed over the fence and walked a short distance to the oak tree and scattered various bits from a chicken carcass plus some fatty gravy. I hoped that my offering would attract the keen sense of smell that Red Foxes have.

Clearly, olfactory alert systems were working well since I only had to wait for 10 minutes for the first Red Fox (a dog) to appear from the hedge close to the oak tree. It was clearly aware of the food that I had left but for some reason it seemed very nervous. I think it did take some of the food but after a few minutes it walked off to the left.

Just a few minutes later, another Red Fox (a vixen) appeared from the hedge away to the right and slowly walked across the field to the oak tree. It also seemed to be rather nervous and didn’t stay long before it returned from where it had come.

However, another Red Fox (a dog) appeared from the right shortly afterwards and it also slowly walked across the field to the oak tree. This animal stayed rather longer than the others before it too returned from where it had come.

I managed to get many photos of all 3 animals ….

💚🦆 🦉🦋🐝🦊🦡🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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