Tuesday 18 June 2024

Trip away from SS15 – Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and East Yorkshire – June 2024 (part 3)

On 17th June 2024, I visited the following sites

RSPB Bempton Cliffs, East Yorkshire

The towering 400 foot high white chalk cliffs at RSPB Bempton Cliffs, which stretch for over 3 miles, are an ideal habitat for breeding seabirds. It is the largest seabird colony in England, the most accessible in Europe (park the car .... short walk .... watch) and it is a site of international importance. From April to August, RSPB Bempton Cliffs supports England's largest population of seabirds (around half a million), including the following key species: GannetPuffinRazorbillGuillemotKittiwakeFulmar, Herring Gull.

Grassland and scrub along the cliff tops are also home to breeding and wintering farmland birds. 

My best ever experience of breeding seabirds has been on the island of HornΓΈya in the very far north east of Arctic Norway, almost 2300 miles from my home! Slightly closer to home are the seabird colonies on the Farne Islands in Northumberland, Skomer in west Wales and Handa in north west Scotland, all of which I have visited several times, plus other locations in Shetland and Orkney.

However, for sheer accessibility at a mainland location in the UK, RSPB Bempton Cliffs can not be beaten. No-one can fail to be amazed by the awesome scenery and the abundance of birds, many of which can be watched closely without optics and photographed with ease.

The highlights during my visit were as follows: Gannet (++++), Puffin (c.25), Guillemot (++++), Razorbill (+++), Kittiwake (++++), Fulmar (c.20), Shag (2), Herring Gull (c.20), Tree Sparrow (c.30 around the car park and visitor centre and in fields adjacent to the cliffs), Swallow (4), Skylark (1 singing male), Meadow Pipit (2), Reed Bunting (2 singing males), Linnet (c.10), Kestrel (1 female)

Additions to 2024 UK year list: Puffin, Shag, Tree Sparrow

This short film from the RSPB shows the stunning location that is RSPB Bempton Cliffs ....

Here are some photos from my visit ....

Photo: entrance to RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Photo: entrance to RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Photo: Puffins can even be seen in the RSPB Bempton Cliffs car park!

Photo: Puffins can even be seen in the RSPB Bempton Cliffs car park!

Photo: entrance to RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Photo: RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Photo: RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Photo: Puffin

Photo: Puffins and Razorbills

Photo: Puffin and Razorbills

Photo: Puffins

Photo: Puffins

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Razorbill

Photo: Guillemot

Photo: Guillemot

Photo: Guillemots

Photo: Fulmar

Photo: Fulmar

Photo: Fulmar

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwakes

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwakes

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Kittiwake

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannet

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannets

Photo: Gannet

Photo: female Kestrel

Photo: female Kestrel

Photo: Tree Sparrow

Photo: Tree Sparrow

Photo: Tree Sparrow

Photo: male Reed Bunting

Photo: male Reed Bunting

Photo: Meadow Pipit

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πŸ’šπŸ¦† πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‹πŸπŸ¦ŠπŸ¦‘🌼 πŸŒ³πŸ’š
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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