Thursday 13 June 2024

Visit to St. Nicholas Church and surrounding areas – 13th June 2024

Date: 13th June 2024 

Time: from 7:15 a.m.

Weather: dry, sunny/cloudy, light wind, 12°C to 15°C

Compared to my last visit on 8th June 2024, it was slightly warmer and this resulted in greater success with sightings of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies.

I added 3 new butterfly records for the site for 2024 .... Common Blue, Large Skipper and Meadow Brown

I also added 3 new dragonfly and damselfly records for the site for 2024 .... Four-spotted Chaser, Azure Damselfly and Emerald Damselfly

I walked the complete site and recorded the following:

Northern section including the grassland and pond: Four-spotted Chaser (2), Azure Damselfly (at least 10), Emerald Damselfly (1), Large Skipper (1), Holly Blue (1), Meadow Brown (3)

Church cemetery: Speckled Wood (2), Meadow Brown (3)

Area bordering the church car park: Large Skipper (1), Holly Blue (2), Meadow Brown (3)

Southern section bordering St. Nicholas Lane: Common Blue (1), Meadow Brown (2)

Southern wooded area: Speckled Wood (1)

Having eventually recorded my first Common Whitethroat of 2024 for the site on my last visit on 8th June 2024, albeit an unseen singing male, I finally saw what I assume was the same bird this morning in the northern section of the site.

Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps are still very evident across the site and, although I didn’t see any, I heard at least 4 singing males of both species.

I heard a distant calling Green Woodpecker in the northern section of the site plus a distant calling Great Spotted Woodpecker in the southern section of the site bordering St. Nicholas Lane. I also heard a calling Stock Dove as I walked home through the wooded area in the southern section of the site.

Yet again, I failed to see any Red Fox adults or cubs.

Species recorded during this visit were as follows (heard only records in italics):

Common Whitethroat

Great Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Song Thrush
Green Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Carrion Crow
Stock Dove
Herring Gull

Common Blue

Holly Blue
Large Skipper
Speckled Wood
Meadow Brown

Azure Damselfly

Four-spotted Chaser

Here are some photos from my visit ….

Photo: Common Blue

Photo: Common Blue

Photo: Large Skipper

Photo: Large Skipper

Photo: Meadow Brown

Photo: Speckled Wood

Photo: Four-spotted Chaser

Photo: Four-spotted Chaser

Photo: Azure Damselfly

Photo: Azure Damselfly

Photo: Azure Damselfly

Photo: Azure Damselfly

Photo: Azure Damselfly

Photo: Azure Damselfly

Site totals for 2024 to date (2023 totals in brackets):

Birds = 40 (47)

Mammals = 3 (3)
Butterflies = 10 (23)
Dragonflies and damselflies = 3 (12)
Reptiles = 0 (0)
Amphibians = 0 (0)

Total species list for the site

Birds = 65

Mammals = 7
Butterflies = 25
Dragonflies and damselflies = 13
Reptiles = 1
Amphibians = 0

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