Saturday 8 June 2024

Visit to St. Nicholas Church and surrounding areas – 8th June 2024

Date: 8th June 2024 

Time: from 7:15 a.m.

Weather: dry, sunny, light wind, 10°C to 13°C

This was my first visit to the site since 17th May 2024 due to my trip to Slovenia from 18th May to 3rd June 2024 (more on this to follow).

Surprisingly, I added 2 new records for the site for 2024: Common Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat. Having failed to record either species in April or May prior to my time away from the site, I was not confident in seeing them with the onset of early summer. However, I heard a distant singing male Common Whitethroat in the field and horse paddock to the north of the access track from Larkins Tyres and I saw 2 juvenile Lesser Whitethroats together in bushes adjacent to the pond in the northern section of the site.

Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps are still very evident across the site and, although I didn’t see any, I heard at least 5 singing males of the former and 4 singing males of the latter.

I heard a distant calling Green Woodpecker in the northern section of the site plus 2 calling Great Spotted Woodpeckers, the first from the access track from Larkins Tyres and the second in the northern section of the site. I also heard a calling Stock Dove in the wooded area at the eastern end of the cemetery.

For the fourth successive visit, I failed to find any Red Fox cubs and again I didn’t even see any adults.

The relatively cool temperatures were not favourable for finding any butterflies, dragonflies or damselflies but I did see a single Speckled Wood along the access track from Larkins Tyres.

During the time that I have not visited the site, it has become even greener with full tree cover and a significant growth of grasses in the unmown areas. The pond adjacent to St. Nicholas Lane which was excavated last year is now surrounded by poppies and other flowers.

Species recorded during this visit were as follows (heard only records in italics):

Common Whitethroat

Lesser Whitethroat
Blue Tit
Great Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Song Thrush
Green Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Carrion Crow
Stock Dove
Herring Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull

Speckled Wood

Site totals for 2024 to date (2023 totals in brackets):

Birds = 40 (47)

Mammals = 3 (3)
Butterflies = 7 (23)
Dragonflies and damselflies = 0 (12)
Reptiles = 0 (0)
Amphibians = 0 (0)

Total species list for the site

Birds = 65

Mammals = 7
Butterflies = 25
Dragonflies and damselflies = 13
Reptiles = 1
Amphibians = 0

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