Saturday 13 August 2022

Record from my flat - Collared Doves

Collared Dove is a species that I see regularly from both the front and rear of my flat, often perching on the rooftops or TV aerials of the houses in the immediate area.

Last year, I read an article in "Birdwatching" magazine regarding the Collared Dove which mentions that in Germany it is known as Fernsehtaube. This is derived from Fernseher (meaning "television") and Taube (meaning "dove"), hence referring to its habit of perching on television aerials. I never knew that!

At this time of year, especially when it is so hot, there is little evidence of bird activity or bird song and calls. However, my local Collared Doves are still very vocal and some of the males are still engaging in the display flights which they started in early spring.

Here are some photos of a Collared Dove taken from my flat window ....

Photo: Collared Dove

Photo: Collared Dove

.... and here is the distinctive call that I hear almost every day ....

Slava Ukraini! …. Glory to Ukraine!

💚🦆 🦉🦋🐝🦊🦡🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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