Wednesday 8 May 2024

Trip away from SS15 – Essex, Sussex, Suffolk, Wales and Somerset – May 2024 (part 8)

On 7th May 2024, I visited the following site

RSPB Ham Wall, Somerset

RSPB Ham Wall has become one of my favourite birding locations in the UK in both spring and winter. It is a 265-hectare site at the heart of the huge area known as the Avalon Marshes in Somerset.

Previously owned and worked by the peat industry, it was born in 1994 when the land was acquired by the RSPB. The principal objective was to re-create vital reedbeds and wetlands and help the struggling Bittern population in the UK.

The habitats that have been created are now a mature and thriving wetland made up of extensive reedbeds and open water, grassland and woodlands and, in addition to the now healthy population of Bitterns, the reserve is important for new species colonising the UK including Great White EgretsLittle Bitterns and Cattle Egrets all of which have bred in recent years.

I arrived at RSPB Ham Wall at 6 a.m. and had a very successful visit, especially the sightings of 3 Glossy Ibis and a single Common Crane plus multiple sightings of Bitterns.

The highlights from my visit included the following (heard only records in italics): Glossy Ibis (3), Common Crane (1), Bittern (4 birds seen but possibly some duplication plus 2 “booming” males), Great White Egret (at least 5), Grey Heron (3), Lapwing (2), Garganey (1 male), Gadwall (c.20), Common Pochard (c.30), Mallard (c.30), Tufted Duck (5), Shoveler (1 male), Little Grebe (1 calling bird), Great Crested Grebe (5 including a pair at a nest site), Mute Swan (c.10), Canada Goose (c.20), Greylag Goose (12), Coot (c.20), Moorhen (2), Cormorant (6),  Cuckoo (1 calling male), Garden Warbler (1 singing male plus 2 other singing males heard), Willow Warbler (2 singing males), Blackcap (2 males and 1 female plus at least 10 other singing males heard), Chiffchaff (2 singing males plus at least 6 other singing males heard), Reed Warbler (3 singing males plus many other singing males heard), Cetti’s Warbler (2 singing males plus at least 8 other singing males), Reed Bunting (2 males plus another singing male heard), Swift (at least 10), Swallow (1), Hobby (1), Marsh Harrier (1 male and at least 5 females), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1 plus another calling bird heard), Goldcrest (1 singing male), Orange Tip (1), Green-veined White (1)

The other notable sighting that I had was of Mike Dilger, naturalist, TV presenter and writer. He was leading a group of birders at RSPB Ham Wall but I did have the opportunity to speak to him for several minutes.

Here are some photos from my visit .... 

Photo: RSPB Ham Wall

Photo: RSPB Ham Wall

Photo: RSPB Ham Wall

Photo: RSPB Ham Wall

Photo: RSPB Ham Wall

Photo: RSPB Ham Wall

Photo: Bittern

Photo: Bittern

Photo: Great White Egret

Photo: Great White Egret

Photo: Great White Egret

Photo: Great White Egret

Photo: Great White Egret

Photo: Great White Egret

Photo: Grey Heron

Photo: Grey Heron

Photo: Great Crested Grebe

Photo: Great Crested Grebes


Photo: Great Crested Grebes

Photo: male Tufted Duck

Photo: male Tufted Duck

Photo: Canada Goose

Photo: Canada Goose

Photo: Marsh Harrier

Photo: Marsh Harrier

Photo: Marsh Harrier

Photo: Marsh Harrier

Photo: Marsh Harrier

Photo: Blue Tit

Photo: Blue Tit

After spending several enjoyable and rewarding hours at RSPB Ham Wall, it was then time for the long 185 miles drive home.

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