Wednesday 8 May 2024

Trip away from SS15 – Essex, Sussex, Suffolk, Wales and Somerset – May 2024 (part 1)

On 30th April 2024, I visited the following site

EWT Abberton Reservoir, Essex

After picking up my rental car and driving home, I then drove to EWT Abberton Reservoir.

The huge expanse of EWT Abberton Reservoir just south of Colchester in Essex is one of Europe's top wetland sites. It is of international importance as a safe haven for wild ducks, swans and other water birds, whether resident, passing through on migration or over-wintering. 

My main target species at EWT Abberton Reservoir were spring and summer migrants that I had yet to see in 2024.

It proved to be a very successful visit and the highlights included the following (heard only records in italics): Spoonbill (2), Cattle Egret (2), Great White Egret (2), Little Egret (c.20), Grey Heron (c.10), Greenshank (1), Common Sandpiper (2), Little Ringed Plover (1), Oystercatcher (2), Tufted Duck (c.50), Mallard (c.20), Shelduck (4), Gadwall (1), Egyptian Goose (male and female plus 4 juveniles), Greylag Goose (c.20), Mute Swan (c.20), Coot (3), Moorhen (1), Great Crested Grebe (c.20), Cormorant (c.50), Arctic Tern (at least 1), Common Tern (at least 20), Cuckoo (1 calling male), Yellow Wagtail (1), Nightingale (1 singing male), Swallow (4), Reed Warbler (1 singing male), Cetti’s Warbler (3 singing males heard), Common Whitethroat (1 singing male plus another singing male heard), Lesser Whitethroat (1 singing male heard), Blackcap (1 singing male plus 2 other singing males heard), Chiffchaff (4 singing males heard), Skylark (1 singing male plus another singing male heard), Reed Bunting (1 male), Linnet (2), Pied Wagtail (4), Marsh Harrier (2), Common Buzzard (1), Kestrel (2)

Additions to 2024 UK year list: Spoonbill, Arctic Tern, Common Tern, Greenshank, Yellow Wagtail, Cuckoo

In addition, I met Matt Turner, Secretary of the Essex Birdwatching Society, whilst birding at the Layer Breton causeway.

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