Sunday 12 May 2024

Visit to St. Nicholas Church and surrounding areas – 12th May 2024

Date: 12th May 2024 

Time: from 6:15 a.m.

Weather: dry, sunny, light wind, 14°C to 17°C

The main purpose of my visit as yesterday, was to hopefully find and photograph some Red Fox cubs. Unfortunately, the result was exactly the same with no Red Fox adults or cubs at the location which I patiently waited at covered in my bag hide.

However, I did have a brief view of a Red Fox as I walked home through the southern wooded area of the site plus a Reeves’ Muntjac in the grassed area at the bottom of “Hilly Road” adjacent to St. Nicholas Lane.

With regard to birds, there was a lot of bird song and bird calls from the usual resident species plus several singing male Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps and calling Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

I also recorded my first Collared Dove of the year for the site and, after the first record of the year yesterday, I saw 3 more Swifts from the top of Church Hill.

I have recently started using the Merlin app which is amazing at picking up and identifying bird song and bird calls.

This morning the Merlin app picked up all the species that I also heard for myself. However, it also picked up (apparently) Common WhitethroatLesser WhitethroatBullfinch and Reed Bunting, none of which I heard or saw for myself to add to my site list for the year.

I usually record both Common Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat at the site each year but not in the location that the Merlin app picked them up. I have also recorded Bullfinch in previous years but again not at the location that the Merlin app picked it up.

I have never recorded Reed Bunting at the site and most, if not all, the habitat is unsuitable for this species so I am doubting the Merlin app identification on this one!

Site totals for 2024 to date (2023 totals in brackets):

Birds = 37 (47)

Mammals = 3 (3)
Butterflies = 7 (23)
Dragonflies and damselflies = 0 (12)
Reptiles = 0 (0)
Amphibians = 0 (0)

Total species list for the site

Birds = 65

Mammals = 7
Butterflies = 25
Dragonflies and damselflies = 13
Reptiles = 1
Amphibians = 0

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