Thursday 19 September 2024

Trip away from SS15 - Canvey Point, Canvey Island, Essex

Canvey Point is located at the easternmost end of Canvey Island and faces out in to the River Thames.

It is a well-known location for recording seabirds (including Gannets, skuas, shearwaters, petrels, auks, rarer gulls, etc.) blown in to the outer estuary from the North Sea in strong north or north east winds during the period August to October.

Surprisingly, this was my first visit to Canvey Point but not as successful as I had hoped or expected. Firstly, the wind was not as strong as forecast and the light was difficult being both bright/sunny but also slightly murky.

However, in a 2 hour visit, I did record my first Arctic Skuas of the year, taking my UK year list for 2024 to 188 species, my first Dark-bellied Brent Geese of the second autumn/winter period and 2 Wall butterflies.

The highlights from my visit were as follows: Arctic Skua (4), Dark-bellied Brent Goose (4), Sandwich Tern (c.30), Oystercatcher (at least 500 at roost), Dunlin (c.20), Curlew (8), Turnstone (3), Common Redshank (1), Little Egret (6), Cormorant (c.15), Great Crested Grebe (1), Swallow (6), Sand Martin (2), Wall (2), Large White and/or Small White (c.30)

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