Tuesday 3 September 2024

Badger Trust - National Day of Action against the Badger cull

I have written many times regarding the appalling cull of Badgers which has resulted (to date) in over 230,000 animals, half the estimated population, being killed since 2012 in a failed attempt to control bovine TB in farmed cattle.

SS15 wildlife watching: Excellent news on the Badger cull (hopefully) .... the Labour Party vows to end it

SS15 wildlife watching: Badger cull

However, despite their election manifesto commitment to end the Badger cull, the new Labour Government is already watering down its commitment stating that the scientifically flawed and appalling policy will end "within 5 years".

BBC News - Badger culling to end in England within five years

DEFRA - Government announces TB Eradication Strategy refresh to end the Badger cull

Waiting another 5 years is simply not good enough!


How many more Badgers need to die as innocent victims when the proven solutions to eradicating bovine TB lie within vaccinating cattle, improved animal welfare and improved bio-security?

On 3rd September 2024, the Badger Trust held a National Day of Action against the Badger cull which I attended in London.

There were many passionate, and indeed angry speeches, from many people, not least Chris Packham and Dominic Dyer, both of whom I have heard speak on many occasions on the Badger cull plus many more issues relating to wildlife and the environment.

Photo: Chris Packham - campaigner and TV presenter

Photo: Dominic Dyer - Born Free Foundation and former CEO of the Badger Trust

Photo: Rachel Bigsby - wildlife photographer and Badger Trust Youth Ambassador

Photo: Rosie Wood - Badger Trust Chair of Trustees

Photo: Rob Pownall - founder of Protect the Wild


Love nature .... act now
Restore and rewild our natural world
Please help save and enhance our laws that protect our environment and wildlife

💚🦆 🦉🦋🐝🦊🦡🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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