Wednesday 10 May 2023

Makes you proud to be British, banging people up. God save the king.

Following the appalling events at the coronation on Saturday, a typically brilliant and satirical piece from John Crace ....

The Guardian - John Crace - Makes you proud to be British, banging people up. God save the king

And another satirical piece from Marina Hyde ....

The Guardian - Marina Hyde - Yes, the Met police threw royal protesters into cells for no good reason – but at least they regret it

More seriously on the extremely worrying implications, a searing critical piece from Owen Jones ....

The Guardian - Owen Jones - Consider the coronation arrests – and witness Britain’s slide towards authoritarianism

And yet more commentary ....

BBC News - Law behind Coronation arrests too broad - Tory MP

BBC News - Chris Mason - Debate over new protest law is far from over

There should be an independent enquiry into the actions of the Police on the day of the coronation which saw 6 peaceful campaigners and protestors from Republic locked up for 16 hours with no reasons given and no charges being brought.

The authoritarian and right-wing Conservative UK Government want you to believe there is nothing to see here, look away and move on.

We should not let the Conservative UK Government or the Police get away with this. Anyone that believes in freedom of expression and the right to protest in a liberal democracy should not let this go. Yes, that includes the Labour Party who have failed to criticise the actions of the Police in the strongest possible terms or give a firm commitment to abolishing the Public Order Act 2023. 

The king and the rest of the royal family are wholly and predictably silent. A defender of our liberties? .... what a joke!

As for Republic, they are considering legal action against the Police for unlawful arrest and detention .... and so they should. They have the solidarity and support of a huge number of people, including to their credit some royalists and monarchists, plus offers of practical and legal advice and assistance.

In the meantime the actions of the Conservative UK Government to rush through the implementation of the Public Order Act 2023 immediately prior to the coronation and the enthusiasm of the Police to wrongly apply it have massively backfired bringing even greater publicity and focus (worldwide) on the UK's slide towards authoritarianism quite apart from the overwhelming case to abolish the archaic, dysfunctional, undemocratic, unaccountable and hugely expensive monarchy.

The Guardian - ‘It massively backfired’: Republicanism in spotlight after arrests

#DefendNature .... Please help save and enhance our laws that protect our environment and wildlife 

💚🦆 🦉🦋🐝🦊🦡🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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