Monday, 16 November 2020

Scottish Parliament to vote on a nature emergency

The Scottish Parliament will have the opportunity to vote on the declaration of a nature emergency following a motion by the Scottish Greens .... see here.

At last we have some politicians willing to stand up and try and tackle the serious loss and extinction of our biodiversity.

Well done to the Scottish Greens!

Hopefully the Scottish Parliament will pass the motion and then develop and implement the strategies and policies that are so urgently required. 

Maybe Scotland's leadership will show the way for the Westminster Parliament and a Government giving us a whole load of "greenwash" and very little substantive action to tackle he serious loss and extinction of our biodiversity and the climate emergency.

In a press release on 15th November 2020, the Scottish Greens said:

Scottish Parliament to vote on a nature emergency

The Scottish Parliament must declare a nature emergency to reverse the alarming decline in species, the Scottish Greens have said.

The Scottish Greens are set to put the declaration to a vote at Holyrood which would make Scotland the first country in the world to recognise that the rapid decline of species and wildlife populations across the world constitutes an emergency.

Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history and in Scotland one in nine species face extinction. The motion will call for a target to halt all declines by 2030 and for 30% of Scotland’s land and sea to be set aside for a nature recovery.

The call comes following multiple warnings about the rapid loss of species abundance and distribution and habitat loss and ecosystems in decline.

A WWF report in September revealed global numbers of mammals, birds, fish and insects have fallen by two-thirds since 1970, including a drastic decline in numbers of the Arctic Skua in Orkney.

The Mammal Society placed a number of Scottish species on its "Red List" in August, including the Wildcat, Mountain Hare, Beaver and Red Squirrel, as well as Hedgehogs and species of bats and voles.

And Scottish Government figures released in the summer reveal that the decline in nature has not slowed in Scotland in recent years.

Commenting, Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell said:

“Everyone from the UN to David Attenborough and nature organisations here in Scotland are warning that our nature is in freefall and there’s no sign of it slowing unless we take action now.

“Here in Scotland one in nine species already face extinction and instead of taking the bold action needed we’ve had years of neglect, with vested interests consistently prioritised over wildlife protection. To make matters worse, simple opportunities to improve the situation are being missed, particularly when it comes to planning laws and targeting farming subsidies.

“If we are going to reverse this alarming decline in Scotland’s nature, then parliament must declare a nature emergency this week, and commit to devote 30 per cent of Scotland’s land and sea to restoring nature by 2030.”


💚🦆 🦉🦋🐝🦊🦡🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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