Monday 10 October 2022

Well done Sainsbury!

Well done indeed.

Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated” on 5th November 2021 when fireworks are let off.


I am fairly confident that few people have any knowledge of who Guy Fawkes was or the significance of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

Unfortunately, Guy Fawkes Night no longer seems to be a single night but anything up to 2 weeks before and after the actual date.

Fireworks cause a lot of annoyance to the majority of people, they cause immense stress and fear for domestic pets and wildlife, they cause injuries and deaths when used without care and they cause littering, pollution and accidental fires. 

I have a very vague recollection of when I was a child and my parents having a fireworks party in our garden. Even then, I could not understand the point, especially given the terrible effect on our dogs.

Much more recently, my Mum had both a dog and a cat, both of which were completely terrified of fireworks and spent days hiding in the spare bedroom under the bed.

In my view there is a simple solution and one where the Government receives petitions from huge numbers of people every year: ban the domestic use of fireworks and limit their use entirely to properly organised and controlled events at suitable locations on 5th November and New Years Eve with all entry fees accruing to local charities or other community fund raising initiatives.

#DefendNature .... Please help save and enhance our laws that protect our environment and wildlife 

💚🦆 🦉🦋🐝🦊🦡🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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