Wednesday 29 April 2020

Visit to St. Nicholas Church and surrounding areas - 29th April 2020

Date: 29th April 2020

Time: from 9:00 a.m.

Weather: dry, sunny/cloudy, light wind, 8°C to 12°C

It was a locked in lockdown day due to heavy rain for most of yesterday so I was very pleased to get out again today.

Although it was relatively cold, I still managed to spot a single rather lethargic Speckled Wood trying to warm up in the weak sunshine.

After hearing my first singing male Lesser Whitethroat of the year for the site during my visit on 25th April 2020, today I heard and then saw another at a different location.

I also managed to see a singing Chiffchaff and hear 3 others plus I heard 3 singing Blackcaps.

In addition, I saw a female Sparrowhawk rapidly fly across the wide grassy track between St. Nicholas Church and St. Nicholas Lane.

Species recorded during this visit were as follows (heard only records in italics):

Lesser Whitehtroat
Blue Tit
Great Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Collared Dove
Herring Gull

Speckled Wood

Here are some photos from my visit:

Photo: Robin

Photo: Robin

Photo: Chiffchaff

Photo: Woodpigeon

Photo: Speckled Wood

Photo: Speckled Wood

Photo: Ox-eye Daisies

Photo: Ox-eye Daisies

Photo: Horse Chestnut

Photo: Horse Chestnut

Photo: Horse Chestnut

Photo: Bluebells

Site totals to date:
Birds = 42
Mammals = 4
Butterflies = 15
Dragonflies and damselflies = 3
Reptiles = 1
Amphibians = 0

💚🦆 🦉 🌼 🌳💚
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong, stay connected with nature

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